Internationale Kranfachtagung

33rd International Crane Conference
March 5–6, 2025, in Magdeburg

The International Crane Conference alternates continuously between the venues of Dresden, Bochum, and Magdeburg. On March 5 and 6, 2025, it will be held for the 33rd time at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.

This conference series aims to bring together professionals from both academia and industry for an intensive and mutually beneficial exchange of knowledge and experience, inspired by expert presentations, product showcases, and discussion forums.


The conference program and all additional information can be found in the  conference flyer. Please use the registration form  to sign up.  The trade exhibition is already fully booked!

The three organizers would be delighted to welcome you, either for the first time or once again, as a speaker or participant at the International Crane Conference in March 2025 at the Hotel Ratswaage Magdeburg.

Contact for further inquiries:

Letzte Änderung: 17.01.2025 - Ansprechpartner: Webmaster